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What are the facts around retirement?

Consider This

“Like many other executives, Mr Smith had been contributing regularly into his company pension fund a net 11,6% of his income. He had hoped, like his parents, that this pension fund would provide him with a comfortable retirement. He worked his final 20 years in the finance department of the same large listed conglomerate. Yet, even though the fund had been well managed, his pension was equal to only 30% of his final salary. He could only kick himself for having taken the money when he left his previous jobs and not making additional provisions for retirement”.

    It’s a matter of fact:
  • You will receive between 480 and 540 pay cheques before you retire and will require approximately 300 cheques from your savings in retirement.
  • No more than 6% of South Africans will be able to retire financially independent.
  • 47% will be dependant on family, 31% will be forced to continue working after retirement and 16% will depend on a state pension.
  • 50% of pensioners face increasing responsibilities such as dependants and 29% still have debt
  • The average member from a retirement fund will draw a pension equivalent to just 28% of their final salary.
  • Life expectancy for pension fund members retiring at 65 is a further 17 years for men and 22 years for women.
  • More than 60% of your retirement benefit is accumulated in your first 20 working years yet,
  • Less than 10% of members leaving employment prior to age 40 preserve their benefits and barely 1% under the age of 25.
  • Majority of South Africans start planning 10 or 15 years prior to retirement which is too late
  • Almost 75% of pensioners get a pension of less than R10,000pm.
  • During retirement you can expect to spend 60% of the total amount you spend on health care during your lifetime yet.
  • Less than 5 % of members are saving for the provision to afford a medical aid in retirement.


Mind the GAP and Start PLANNING today !!!


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